MOI – Find Your Car (FYC) and guidance in P-Hämppi car park from Finland, Amaliehaven nursing home for the elderly, Dahler 2.0 and Ledcon systems took home best practice awards at Viscom 2013

The four winners show in many ways, the almost unlimited possibilities of digital advertising and information support.


For the way finding system for pedestrians MOI – FYC Finn Park received together with Palko Interactive and the partner Vidamin won the award in the category Guiding Signage. This system creates a functional solution to an everyday problem apart from location-based services has created the verdict of the jury. The combination of a classical process with telemetric data and an intuitive guidance system as despite some weaknesses in the user interface with great potential. 

MOI – FYC consists of a large touch screen with a card reader. The operator Finn Park offers the users of parking spaces alone is by swiping the card’s parking lot of information. Important component of the system is the positioning and routing to the host vehicle.

A continuous signs and park management was the goal that Palko Interactive has implemented this way for Finn Park. The touch screens were installed at each elevator near the cash machines in the car park. They offer the users in addition to routing to the car additional information about attractions and services in their immediate surroundings, such as shopping, restaurants, or attractions.


Amaliehaven is a care home for older people who want to keep the comfort of your own home, but need 24-hour care. The digital signage system used here was excellent at Viscom with the Digital Signage Best Practice Award in the category information signage. Using the screens, residents can communicate with other residents, relatives, day care staff and visitors as well as other stakeholders. 80 screens with five different channels have been installed. In this way, the staff can focus on the care of the residents. 

The jury praised this system that solves the task perfectly and makes a relevant contribution to communication. Whether information, interaction or technology: Each contact point has been thought through and everything fits together. Thanks to the clear vision of the targeted use is to the point, the system also opens up new users. The reduced user interface is designed for the needs and physical capabilities of the target group.


In the category Retail Design the new, fully digital shop Interior of the real estate offices Dahler and Company, which was developed by Visual Art was Germany. With the aim to lure customers into the store and dispense more and more paper products, an overall modern, contemporary image was transported.In shop windows, marketing messages were communicated. Digital Estate exposés were integrated on the wall on one side of the store, also shown on large touch screens. iPads assist the customer service. 

The customers get the opportunity to examine objects in the store. The jury was impressed with the solution that was perfectly suited to the target group and in interaction with the whole store design creates an emotional experience space. On the one hand a successful counterpoint to the competition is set in the network, on the other hand the franchise concept remains recognisable.

Design and functionality fit exactly to the customer’s expectations. The arrangement of the touch points supports the sales process from the initial attention on the shop window over an overview of the offer in the store to detailed single view.


For shop window LED display of Den Norske Bank, the company together with LEDCON Systems GmbH received the Special Award 2013. The winner is not a traditional digital signage project and yet from the moment the jury was fascinated how it effectively and efficiently reconciles the simple clarity of this lighting system in form and function.

A total of 620 high-resolution LED video display modules were installed in the newly designed flagship stores of the bank. In the four stores in Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim there is a video surface that is ideal for information, advertising and entertainment, and immediately catches the eye through the creative arrangement of the modules developed. The LED display in the window is perfectly integrated into the design of the stores. This was made possible by the attachment of devices to a single vertical rod, concealed cabling and painted in company colours.

The individual LED modules are arranged so that, despite the extensive LED installation still gets enough sunlight into the room. The solution architect is a thoughtful and detailed elaborate tool that artfully blends as an information item in the physical design. The system was also creative with its back – an aspect which normally gets little attention in the digital signage. The project succeeds where few digital signage projects can claim: designers and architects love it.