
    The company is using augmented reality (AR) to show how its innovations have led the way in transforming the wide-format graphics, labels, packaging, ceramics, décor and coding and marking industries. For the first time, visitors at the expo are seeing the company’s technology in 3D.

    Users can download the Xaar ‘Xapp’ app onto their Apple devices from the Apple App Store, and use the AR function to view the animations triggered by images on the stand. Those not attending FESPA can still experience Xaar AR by downloading Xapp and printing the trigger images to explore Xaar technology.

    The company\’s AR campaign enables visitors to explore inside the Xaar Proton and Xaar 1001 printheads in an interactive way. The magnified view of the company’s printheads and technology gives a unique insight into what takes place at high speed and at a microscopic level inside ink channels that are less than the width of a human hair. This approach will help users of Xaar’s printheads fully understand how the technology delivers outstanding print quality, high productivity, reliability and easy integration.

    For example, users can view Xaar’s unique TF Technology™ combined with Hybrid Side Shooter™ architecture in 3D inside the Xaar 1001. Fluids are shown flowing directly past the back of the nozzles which ensures the nozzles are continuously primed to deliver maximum production uptime. The campaign allows visitors to visualize XaarDOTTM Drop Optimisation Technology and understand first-hand how ink drops form in binary and greyscale modes.

    A close up view of the Xaar \’chevron\’ piezo actuator used in the Xaar Proton and Xaar 1001 demonstrates the features that produce efficient and consistent drop formation to deliver outstanding print quality. 

    The company is using FESPA’s Narrow Format Zone to demonstrate why many leading label printer manufacturers select the Xaar 1001 as the printhead of choice. When choosing an inkjet label printer, companies want the ability to handle short-run jobs from a few hundred labels up to many thousands, economically, reliably and efficiently. They also need a digital printer with printheads that can handle higher pigment loading white ink and varnish easily to produce high-quality labels on a range of standard and custom label stock. The performance of the Xaar 1001 meets all these needs, allowing unprofitable short-run jobs on conventional presses to be turned into profitable print jobs on a Xaar-based label press.

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