Metamark Film Benefits Charity Cause

Metamark Film Benefits Charity Cause

MetaCast MDC cast digital wrap film with MetaGlide® was used in a charity vehicle project.

Signs Express Newcastle was recently approach by a designer supporting the efforts of a charitable concern ultimately benefitting the cause supported by the late Sir Bobby Robson’s Foundation: Northern Centre For Cancer Care, Freeman Hospital. Having been personally touched by cancer, Lee Perkins set out to raise awareness and money for The Freeman, which had helped him beat cancer.

Acts of such personal generosity usually involve a crazy mission of some sort and, on this occasion, it meant travelling in a highly decorated car from Newcastle to the mission’s start line in Lille, France and then to Barcelona in Spain, taking in the Swiss Alps for good measure, a chunk of Italy and the French Riviera.

A wrap was envisaged by the designer contracted to get the car decorated and he quickly discovered the lack of a hard relationship between what is simple to design and practical to produce. The Signs Express Newcastle team quickly got its customer set up with a well produced template and surrounded his efforts with as much practical support as possible so the design would work. There is a lot of detail and it all resolves itself well thanks to the experience lent to the project by Signs Express.

After numerous iterations and adjustments, the time came to commit some ink and wrapping film to the endeavour. Metamark’s next-generation premium cast wrapping film, MetaCast MDC, got the job and applying it all reverted back to the experts at Signs Express Newcastle.

Perkins’ efforts and the support extended by Signs Express Newcastle to the venture will ultimately have benefitted a very deserving cause in a measurable and practical way.

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