Maxsigns Extends Winter Blanket Drive

The Maxsigns team with some of the blankets.

Maxsigns has announced its gratitude and appreciation for all those that have contributed to its recent winter blanket drive that has run for the past month. 

Due to the immense positive feedback and support received, Maxsigns has decided to extend the blanket drive until the end of winter, and will distribute the blankets weekly if enough have been collected to help more people in need.

Over 200 blankets have been received, with the following homes made a little warmer: The Village Safe Haven; Botshabelo Babies Home; Rhema Children’s Village and Yenzani Children’s Home. The company has arranged to visit a few more children’s homes.

All donations can be dropped off at Maxsigns’ offices in Randjespark, Midrand (Unit 7, 21 Gazelle Avenue). Alternatively, you can call the company to collect the blankets from you.

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